Why invest in Ballerup
Ballerup is your ideal location
if you operate within
Businesses in Ballerup cluster around these three major industries
Ballerup is known as Denmark's version of Silicon Valley.
You will be close to more than 380 leading information and tehcnology businesses in Ballerup such as Fujitsu, Siemens and Samsung. You will also be close to research institutions, innovation networks and a highly qualified work force.
In Ballerup you'll get unique opportunities for developing, testing and selling future technology.
Ballerup is a part of Medicon Valley - a world leading life science cluster.
You will get access to an ecosystem in Greater Copenhagen of more than 300 life science businesses such as Leo Pharma, Novo Nordisk, Lundbeck and Ambu, research institutions, hospitals and a highly qualified work force. More than 65 of those are located in Ballerup.
You'll get unique opportunities for developing, testing and selling future medico and pharma products.
Ballerup is known as Denmark's version of Silicon Valley.
You will be near more than 30 innovative companies in the field of financial technology such as Nets, Tryg, SDC, research institutions, innovation networks and a highly qualified work force.
You'll get unique opportunities for developing, testing and selling future fintech products.
Does your business match one of our clusters or do you want to know where to invest?
Why did Siemens invest
in Ballerup?
"Siemens has been located in Ballerup for many years. Five years ago we decided to build a new head quarter and we talked over many alternatives. In the end we decided to move only two blocks down the road in order to remain close to our business partners that we have many of in the area of Ballerup and Greater Copenhagen. It is also important to us that we can benefit from the excellent infrastructure and closeness to the airport. We are also happy for the corporation and relationship with the Municipality. As an example we have adopted a number of local school classes over the past 20 years, and worked with them about what it will say to be an engineer. Actually one or two of the children are now employed."
Claus Møller
CEO 2017-2020, Siemens
Did you know?
Ballerup houses the highest number of foreign companies outside Copenhagen? 25 % of workplaces are owned by international companies.
We want to help
you grow
BusinessBallerup is your gateway to the municipality and authorities
Close to Copenhagen. Europe. The world.
The ideal home for businesses and investors with a global view.