
The life science ecosystem in Greater Copenhagen

Life science companies in Ballerup work together in an ecosystem of universities, companies, hospitals, researchers, government agencies and other complementing industries.

This ecosystem creates the supporting framework for effective collaboration, innovative development and continuous growth.

Ballerup and Greater Copenhagen
grant access to a unique ecosystem of research and innovation with:


internationally recognised universities


university hospitals


students at the Danish Technical University Campus Ballerup

Great opportunities for testing new medicines or medical devices

In Ballerup and Greater Copenhagen, you will have great opportunities to test new medicines or medical devices through:

Access to health databases for data research and development

Ballerup and Greater Copenhagen provide access to health data research and development through:

  • The Danish National Biobank
    One of the world’s largest biobanks strengthening Danish research infrastructure to support research in causes, prevention and treatment of diseases
  • The Danish National Patient Register (Landspatientregisteret, LPR)
    One of the world’s oldest and finest nationwide hospital registries with all information on patients from Danish hospitals. Used extensively for research.