White Papers
8 important considerations when relocating your life science business
This white paper will provide you with information about the life science industry in the Municipality of Ballerup – a part of Greater Copenhagen. You will find 8 important factors when considering whether to relocate to Ballerup, and why our life science cluster is the ideal location for you.
15 important considerations when relocating your life science business
This white paper will provide you with information about the life science industry in the Municipality of Ballerup – a part of Greater Copenhagen. You will find 15 important factors when considering whether to relocate to Ballerup, and why our life science cluster is the ideal location for you.
Find out more on how to join an ecosystem of businesses, universities and public sector, surround your company with knowledge-based businesses, grow in a rich innovation and research environment, get easy access with excellent infrastructure and grow your company in a competitive economy
Download white paper - 15 important considerations when relocating your life science business

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